Wedding Breakfast on the Beach | Kuredu, Maldives

wedding breakfast table on the beach at kuredu in the maldives

Back to the Maldives today and this is the table set ready for a romantic evening meal on the beach for a bride and groom after their wedding on the island of Kuredu. I had been out shooting the sunset (of course), when I saw the hotel staff preparing this table, with cushion seats and surrounded by lanterns. I waited for them to finish and wandered over as the wedding manager was taking pictures with a small digital camera and she told me that she couldn’t get a good shot with it. I asked if I could take one and she said that I would have to hurry, as she had to go and bring the wedding couple out for their meal. I said if she gave me a minute to set up my tripod and take the photo, I thought it would be a good one and I’d be happy to send her a copy … so she did, and I did and she loved it.

Prints available here.

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